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Pesa Teoni's Bio
Born in American Samoa, Pesa moved to St. George, UT at the age of 15. Could not speak any English upon arrival in the U.S., leading to a very steep learning curve, still being worked on. Started playing pickleball in 2016, in St. George, UT while living with an aunt. Before pickleball, Pesa was engaged in competitive soccer, volleyball, and rugby without any racquet sports background. After an uncle introduced pickleball, they fully committed to it. Pesa began participating in tournaments starting from 3.0 all the way to 5.0, securing some medals along the way. They decided to join pro tournaments right after COVID ended. Achieved great runs with Daniel de Rosa at Red Rock, placing 4th in men’s one year and 5th the following year, then Pesa won 3 gold medals with Andrei Daeascu.
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You Don't Have to Be a Pro to Play the PPA Tour
Whether you play singles or doubles, are new to the sport of pickleball or have been playing for years, the PPA Tour allows you to compete in brackets against players your same age and skill level at the nation’s most prestigious venues and alongside the top professionals in the game. Don’t miss your chance to Play Where the Pros Play™️ and experience the most electrifying professional tour in the sport of pickleball!